Tuesday 9 October 2018

Hanafuda-- Angel, 翁

Hanafuda by "angel", "Old Man" (翁)48+1c,

EDIT: For Seven years, ( It was first published in 10/9/2011)  the author has given an erroneous title to the post.

The error surrounded the card's brand name. He initially misread it as 扇, meaning "fan". It was in fact the Similar-looking word 翁, meaning "Old Man".  The relevant character can be seen on the cards of the "December" suit (Top row). Seven years on, he re-publishes it, with the error corrected.

The name does not sound as incongruous as it seems. One of the most celebrated plays in the Noh repitoire is called 翁 Okina. A fascinating summary of the play, part ritual, part theater, may be found here  The author recalls the deck's wrapper depicted an actor, playing the role of the old man.

The deck contained 48 cards, plus one spare card. That spare card is shown to the left. It resembles the "Banner" card in the "March" suit of cherry blossoms. However, on the ribbon is marked the word 見本 Mihon , meaning Spare in Japanese. :" Sample" in Japanese.https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/%E8%A6%8B%E6%9C%AC

 As the commentator Porges said below "[This card] is to be placed on the front of the deck when on display in a shop, to indicate the quality of the cards."


  1. The 見本 ‘mihon’ card is probably more accurately described as a “sample” card rather than a “spare” one. It is to be placed on the front of the deck when on display in a shop, to indicate the quality of the cards.

  2. Thanks for your insightful comment!
